Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Hot Fuzz Intro

In the opening scene of Hot Fuzz, the first camera angle used is a long shot which enables you see Nicholas Angel walking into the building striding forward where he is surrounded by a light therefore could be interpereted as a halo of 'gold' relating to his name "ANGEL". The continuity is undisguinisable until the last shot where you see him being stabbed in the hand by a man as Father Christmas in his left hand, but however you see the scar on his right hand. The cutting isn't smooth but this was done on purpose to show the fast pace also representing that he is fast himself many of the shots dissolve or fade, by changing shot when a flash or load sound happens this also makes the filming seem more dramatic and faster. At the beginning there is a close-up of Angels face shown on his police ID where his facial expression is very stern and angry presenting a stereotype of police men, then a close-up of this face again exactly the same implying he is very focused when at work.

1 comment:

  1. Paige.

    You've got a lot of catching up to do. You've fallen behind your classmates in terms of what should be on your blog.

    Take a look at Megs


    Daisy-Mai is having to catch up too so you may wish to speak with her

    get this sorted by Friday.
